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Avg Landing: -131 FPM

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Posted by Emanuele Trevi on 01/07/2023

Sistema AWARDS

E' iniziata l'implementazione e l'automazione dei nuovi AWARDS. Presto sarĂ  visualizzabile la lista completa e delle specifiche per il raggiungimento degli AWARDS.

Our Flights

Pilot Flight Number Type Departure Arrival Status Altitude Speed Distance/Time Remain

Latest Flights

Flight Pilot Departure Arrival Aircraft Duration V/S Info
LKV2203Riccardo ScarchiniLIRSLMMLFALCON 5001.47.15-102 ft/mPending
LKV2202Riccardo ScarchiniETARLIRSFALCON 5001.40.12-156 ft/mPending
LKV2201Riccardo ScarchiniLIRFETARFALCON 5001.43.36-183 ft/mPending
LKV4001Riccardo ScarchiniLIPYLIRFFALCON 5000.49.46-111 ft/mPending
LKV7701Riccardo ScarchiniLMMLLIPYP18002.04.17-205 ft/mPending
EIJORDANBRIDEmanuele TreviOJAILIRFFALCON 5003.30.03-241 ft/mAccepted
EIGOVERNOJOREmanuele TreviLMMLOJAIFALCON 5003.27.36-85 ft/mAccepted
LKV0029Riccardo ScarchiniKJFKLMMLACJ33009.48.52-191 ft/mPending
EITRASPLOG1Emanuele TreviLIRVLMMLFALCON 5001.25.01-129 ft/mAccepted
LKV0022Riccardo ScarchiniKEGEKJFKACJ33003.39.26-144 ft/mPending

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Pilots: 5
Total Airline Hours: 5,308
Total Flights: 2,519
Total Miles Flown: 1,427,175
Total Aircraft: 137
LK Vip Passengers: 3,923
LK Airways Passengers: 92,105
HEMS Passengers: 4
AVES Firefightning Missions: 0
AVES Transported Material: 69,328
AVES Transported Personnel: 1,588
AVES Missions: 118

Newest Pilots

EI0213 ALEx Forzini
LKS0212 Anastasios Koletsos
EI0208 Luca Paoloni
LKS0205 Davi Carvalho
EI0204 Manuel Melis