Flight BHL39R

  • Submitted By: Riccardo Scarchini
  • Departure Airport: Mungo Rig (BP39)
  • Arrival Airport: Aberdeen Dyce Airport (EGPD)
  • Aircraft: AS332 (G-TIGS)
  • Flight Time: 01.11.41
  • Date Submitted: 01/04/2016
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(19 load / $ 590.00 per unit
$ 11, 210.00
Fuel Cost:
(985.656 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 5, 026.85

Flight Details

  • Volo a carico dello Stato: -
  • Customer: -

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[15:02] - Super-Puma MKII Bristow G-TIGS
[15:02] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[15:02] - Flight BHL39R is ready to depart BP39 with a final destination of EGPD.
[15:02] - Boarding
[15:04] - Parking Brake Released
[15:04] - Taxiing to Runway
[15:04] - Taking Off with 19 passengers on board
[15:04] - Take off at 45kts, with a pitch of -12deg and 2336lbs of fuel on board
[15:04] - Gear up at 400AGL
[15:04] - Climbing to TOC
[15:08] - TOC reached
[15:08] - Cruise started
[16:12] - Gear down at 1660AGL
[16:14] - Landed at -98fpm. With 221lbs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 6deg.
[16:14] - Taxiing to Gate
[16:15] - Super-Puma MKII Bristow G-TIGS
[16:15] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[16:15] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[16:15] - BLACKBOX ver: