Flight LKV9020
Flight Details
- Volo a carico dello Stato: NO
- Customer: Private Customer
Additional Log Information:
[09:59] - Aerosoft A318 professional LK VIP SERVICES 9H-AJV
[09:59] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[09:59] - Flight LKV9020 is ready to depart LMML with a final destination of EGLC.
[09:59] - Parking Brake Applied
[09:59] - Boarding
[10:12] - Parking Brake Released
[10:13] - Taxiing to Runway
[10:16] - Taking Off with 15 passengers on board
[10:16] - Take off at 151kts, with a pitch of 7deg and 19556lbs of fuel on board
[10:16] - Climbing to TOC
[10:16] - Gear up at 649AGL
[10:33] - TOC reached
[10:33] - Cruise started
[10:47] - TOD reached
[10:47] - Descending to destination
[12:14] - Overspeed! 443kts, 35357AGL
[12:14] - Overspeed corrected at 35367AGL
[12:16] - Overspeed! 400kts, 35355AGL
[12:16] - Overspeed corrected at 35384AGL
[12:44] - Overspeed! 433kts, 35525AGL
[12:44] - Overspeed corrected at 35591AGL
[13:18] - Landing Shortly
[13:22] - Gear down at 2274AGL
[13:24] - Gear up at 643AGL
[13:29] - Gear down at 2234AGL
[13:34] - Landed at -321fpm. With 3889lbs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 4deg.
[13:35] - Taxiing to Gate
[13:38] - Parking Brake Applied
[13:38] - Arrived safely at EGLC. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[13:42] - Aerosoft A318 professional LK VIP SERVICES 9H-AJV
[13:42] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[13:42] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[13:42] - LK - FLIGHT RECORDER ver:
[09:59] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[09:59] - Flight LKV9020 is ready to depart LMML with a final destination of EGLC.
[09:59] - Parking Brake Applied
[09:59] - Boarding
[10:12] - Parking Brake Released
[10:13] - Taxiing to Runway
[10:16] - Taking Off with 15 passengers on board
[10:16] - Take off at 151kts, with a pitch of 7deg and 19556lbs of fuel on board
[10:16] - Climbing to TOC
[10:16] - Gear up at 649AGL
[10:33] - TOC reached
[10:33] - Cruise started
[10:47] - TOD reached
[10:47] - Descending to destination
[12:14] - Overspeed! 443kts, 35357AGL
[12:14] - Overspeed corrected at 35367AGL
[12:16] - Overspeed! 400kts, 35355AGL
[12:16] - Overspeed corrected at 35384AGL
[12:44] - Overspeed! 433kts, 35525AGL
[12:44] - Overspeed corrected at 35591AGL
[13:18] - Landing Shortly
[13:22] - Gear down at 2274AGL
[13:24] - Gear up at 643AGL
[13:29] - Gear down at 2234AGL
[13:34] - Landed at -321fpm. With 3889lbs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 4deg.
[13:35] - Taxiing to Gate
[13:38] - Parking Brake Applied
[13:38] - Arrived safely at EGLC. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[13:42] - Aerosoft A318 professional LK VIP SERVICES 9H-AJV
[13:42] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[13:42] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[13:42] - LK - FLIGHT RECORDER ver: