• Submitted By: Emanuele Trevi
  • Departure Airport: Viterbo Airport (LIRV)
  • Arrival Airport: Luqa Airport (LMML)
  • Aircraft: FALCON 50 (9H-LKX)
  • Flight Time: 01.25.01
  • Date Submitted: 03/01/2025
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(5 load / $ 0.00 per unit
$ 0.00
Fuel Cost:
(4040 fuel used @ 0 / unit)
$ 0.00

Flight Details

  • Volo a carico dello Stato: SI
  • Customer: Esercito Italiano

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[17:29] - CARENADO FA50 MM62029 LITE
[17:29] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[17:29] - Flight TRASPLOG1 is ready to depart LIRV with a final destination of LMML.
[17:29] - Parking Brake Applied
[17:29] - Boarding
[17:36] - Parking Brake Released
[17:36] - Taxiing to Runway
[17:39] - Taking Off with 9 passengers on board
[17:39] - Take off at 144kts, with a pitch of 9deg and 6955kgs of fuel on board
[17:39] - Gear up at 193AGL
[17:39] - Climbing to TOC
[17:40] - Gear down at 2447AGL
[17:40] - AutoPilot Engaged at 3215AGL
[17:41] - Gear up at 4268AGL
[17:41] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 6263AGL
[17:41] - AutoPilot Engaged at 6266AGL
[17:44] - TOC reached
[17:44] - Cruise started
[18:34] - Overspeed! 430kts, 12762AGL
[18:34] - Overspeed corrected at 12749AGL
[18:41] - TOD reached
[18:41] - Descending to destination
[18:46] - Landing Shortly
[18:47] - Gear down at 4108AGL
[18:49] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 1762AGL
[18:50] - Landed at -129fpm. With 5230kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 13deg.
[18:51] - Taxiing to Gate
[18:54] - Parking Brake Applied
[18:54] - Arrived safely at LMML. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[18:55] - CARENADO FA50 MM62029 LITE
[18:55] - Parking Brake Ignored!
[18:55] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[18:55] - LK - FLIGHT RECORDER ver: